Training and Career Coaching
18th of Feb 2016
With over 20 years of experience in the areas of skill assessment, interview techniques and job profile matching, coupled with our front line recruitment experience, our Consultants regularly coach people to identify their chosen career paths, then locate, apply for and get the right positions to help them along their career journey.   
Following an increased demand for this support we are pleased to now offer the following dedicated Career Coaching Services. 
1. General Career Consultation
Designed for the client who is not sure of their needs and is seeking some general guidance.  The consultation can be face-to-face or via telephone to review and assess their work / professional history. This includes an appraisal of oral client history, qualifications and skills and suggestions of possible avenues to follow.  The General Career Consultation is for 1 hour.  The fee is $150 plus GST.
2. Career Coaching Session
Our service includes the initial briefing via telephone and coordination / appraisal of the questionnaire and information provided along with the completion of online profiling and assessments as appropriate.  This is followed by a face to face coaching session incorporating the Client work history, qualifications, skills, validation of the personality profile and questionnaire assessment with the view to developing a Career Action Plan and strategies for Job Search Techniques for you to execute.  Each Career Coaching Session is for 1.5 hours.  The fee for the initial session is $300 plus GST. 
3. Professional development and preparation of resume 
This includes the initial briefing either via telephone or in person, production of an initial draft and an additional revision to final.  Your document will be developed primarily from information provided by you and it will be your responsibility to verify the accuracy of the content within the completed document.  This service can take between 2 to 6 hours.  The fee for this will be advised by the Consultant at the time of engagement.
4. Resume or Application Critique & Recommendations
Our service includes the initial briefing either via telephone or in person, assessment of your documents and initial comments for adjustments and an additional proofing of final document.  Please note, completion of the resume and application documents is your responsibility and is not covered in this service.  This service can take up to 2 hours.  The fee for this is $300 plus GST.
5. Customised Interview Coaching Session
This includes the initial briefing via telephone and coordination of the questionnaire / job related information provided.  This is followed by a face to face coaching session based upon the information provided including role plays and practice interviews.    The Customised Interview Coaching Session is for 1.5 hours.  The fee for this is $300 plus GST.
6. Career Coaching Services Package
The Career Coaching Services Package is $1250 plus GST and includes:
Initial briefing via telephone and coordination / appraisal of the questionnaire and information provided and the completion of online profiling and assessments as appropriate. 
3 x Career Coaching Sessions tailored to meet the individuals needs and may cover - Assessment of Client work history, qualifications, skills, validation of the personality profile and questionnaire -Development of Career Action Plan - Development of Job Search Techniques - Provision of job application support and guidance - Customised interview coaching.
Professional development and preparation of resume
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